Birthing Bodies - Sitz Bath

Every time I used the Birthing Bodies sitz bath postpartum it was like opening a gift. It's smell was magical and tantalizing and it looked gorgeous. Best of all, it made the sitz baths more effective.

I also ordered a custom herbal tea blend from Rebecca while I was pregnant, and she was scrupulous about ensuring the safety of herbs during pregnancy. Plus, the herbs were high quality and delicious. Friends who came over refused to drink any of the other various boxed herbal teas I had, because the Twig+ Stone tea blend was superior in taste and quality. 

- A.J.

The Birthing Bodies Sitz Bath was such a comfort after I gave birth. I was gifted four herbal sitz baths, and I preferred this one to all the other formulas. This one was very mild, smelled the best, and was very soothing. The calendula flowers were so beautiful and added some magic to the healing time. I also appreciated that the instructions were so clear. I believe it expedited the healing of my perineal tear, and ti definitely reduced the pain and swelling in that area.

- S.R.

All Heal Salve

Tiny but mighty! I got a small cut on my hand a couple of weeks ago. I’ve learned over the years to pay attention to minor injuries on my hands quickly because it is so easy for them to get re-injured and/or infected because of the fact that we have to use our hands all the time. This little cut had hung on for a long time. My daughter brought me a little tine of the fast heal salve and after using if or a half a day I could already see an improvement in the wound. Plus the slave is very easy to use and it feels nice and smooth going on. Yay!


All Heal Salve is simply an essential for your medicine cabinet. I never cease to be amazed at how much quicker cuts heal when I apply the salve. It quickly dries out and any scab flakes off; the skin heals right over speedily. My favourite new use for Cuts and Scrapes salve is for my newborn. Baby nails grow so quick, no matter how often you trim them, inevitably they grow out and baby scratches their face. This salve heals these scrapes so fast! Reducing pain for baby and chance of infection. It has a soothing, mild herby smell.

- S.R.

Achy Breaky -Warming Salve

I use Achy Breaky salve on my wrists and lower back after a hard day in carpentry and it soothes my squeaky joints and warms up my skin with a calming fragrance.

- V.T.